Latvian Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy Association (LTPPA)

Latvian Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy Association (LTPPA) unites specialists of psychology, psychotherapy, art therapy, health care, social work, art and pedagogy, applying transpersonal methods to their professional activities with patients/clients/students. Association is established in 2011 and at moment has 40+ members.

Board of LTPPA since February 2021: Rita Zalite, Andris Mucenieks, Ligija Braza. 

The main goal of the association is initiation of people into transpersonal psychology by means of organizing seminars, workshops and trainings, as well as different creative activities in Latvia and participation in international transpersonal events. One of them we organise in Latvia is annual transpersonal summer school GARA PUPA with workshops at nature. 

LTPPA since 2006 is a member of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) and in purpose of exchange of experience is co-operating with specialists from the United States – Association of Transpersonal Psychology and Sofia University of California.

Our closest partner in Latvia is Latvian Transpersonal Education Institute.

Institute realise Latvian state and EUROTAS accredited program.
If you are interested in collaboration with Latvian Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy Association, please contact: